Possible Bipartite

Key words:判断一个undirected graph是不是二分图


二分图是这样一个图: 有两顶点集且图中每条边的的两个顶点分别位于两个顶点集中,每个顶点集中没有边直接相连接!


判断二分图的常见方法是染色法: 开始对任意一未染色的顶点染色,之后判断其相邻的顶点中,若未染色则将其染上和相邻顶点不同的颜色, 若已经染色且颜色和相邻顶点的颜色相同则说明不是二分图,若颜色不同则继续判断,bfs和dfs可以搞定!



Method 1: BFS

public class Solution {
  public boolean isBipartite(List<GraphNode> graph) {
    Map<GraphNode, Integer> visited = new HashMap<>();
      for (GraphNode node : graph) {
        if (!bfs(node, visited)) {
          return false;
    return true;

	// recursion
  private boolean bfs(GraphNode node, Map<GraphNode, Integer> visited) {
  // 说明这个点之前已经被traverse过了
    if (visited.containsKey(node)) {
      return true;
    Queue<GraphNode> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();
    visited.put(node, 0);
    while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
      GraphNode cur = queue.poll();
      int curGroup = visited.get(cur);
      int neiGroup = curGroup == 0 ? 1 : 0;
  // 看看我的邻居这个GraphNode在不在我的map里,如果不在我就把它放进去
  // 如果在,看看它的颜色是不是对的,如果不对,return false
      for (GraphNode nei : cur.neighbors) {
        if (!visited.containsKey(nei)) {
          visited.put(nei, neiGroup);
        } else if (visited.get(nei) != neiGroup) {
          return false;
    return true;

TC: O(N + E); explore each node once when we transform it 
from uncolored to colored, traversing all its edges in the process.
SC: O(N); 每个节点都要存一遍
//BFS-iterative 做法
public class Solution {
  public boolean isBipartite(List<GraphNode> graph) {
    Map<GraphNode, Integer> visited = new HashMap<>();
    Deque<GraphNode> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();
    for (GraphNode node : graph) {
      if (!visited.containsKey(node)) {
        visited.put(node, 0);
      while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
        GraphNode cur = queue.poll();
        for (GraphNode nei : cur.neighbors) {
          if (!visited.containsKey(nei)) {
            visited.put(nei, visited.get(cur) ^ 1);
          } else if (visited.get(nei) == visited.get(cur)) {
            return false;
    return true;

<aside> 💡 BFS: it traverses in a level-wise manner. i.e, 所有当前层的node traverse结束才会进到下一层。BFS is implemented with a queue.


Method 2: DFS

// 如何用stack实现dfs呢?
// 如果我碰到uncolored的node我就将它放进stack
// 直到当前结点所有uncolored的nei都放进stack,再开始pop
// 这点和recursion结合的dfs一样,dfs什么时候开始弹栈?当这一支走完时
// 在BFS里,我们如何确定我们已经遍历完所有结点?while queue.isEmpty()因为我们只要发现没看过,我们就把它put进queue里

class Solution {
    public boolean isBipartite(int[][] graph) {
        //我们需要maintain graph.length来确保遍历完所有元素
        // 并initiate 所有的值都没看过,和map的作用一样
        int n = graph.length;
        int[] color = new int[n];
        Arrays.fill(color, -1);
        Deque<Integer> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (color[i] == -1) {
                color[i] = 0;
            while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
                //将当前结点弹出stack,并把它的uncolored nei拉进来
                Integer node = stack.poll();
                for(int nei : graph[node]) {
                    if (color[nei] == - 1) {
                        // bit operation
                        color[nei] = color[node] ^ 1;
                    } else if (color[nei] == color[node]) {
                        return false;
        return true;
TC: O(N + E); explore each node once when we transform it 
from uncolored to colored, traversing all its edges in the process.
SC: O(N); 每个节点都要存一遍

结合了lai code写的dfs版本

public class Solution {
  public boolean isBipartite(List<GraphNode> graph) {
    Map<GraphNode, Integer> visited = new HashMap<>();
    Deque<GraphNode> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
    for (GraphNode node : graph) {
      if (!visited.containsKey(node)) {
        visited.put(node, 0);
      //把所有当前node的uncolored nei装进stack
      while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
        GraphNode cur = stack.pop();
        for (GraphNode nei : cur.neighbors) {
          if (!visited.containsKey(nei)) {
            visited.put(nei, visited.get(cur) ^ 1);
          } else if (visited.get(nei) == visited.get(cur)) {
            return false;
    return true;

<aside> 💡 写这题很有收获,它迫使我去思考为什么BFS要用queue,DFS要用stack?queue的特性是先进先出,stack是后进先出,所以queue会把最先放进来的同一层的元素先pop出去,而stack则会把同一支的最末端的元素先pop出去。这也是广度搜索和深度搜索的区别。
